Here you can find documents and data on our various activities
Selection of articles from the magazine “Sonnenenergie”
RAL Quality Control Solar (in German)
Series of articles in the magazine SONNENENRGIE
Part 1: PDF-Document (0,4 MB)
Part 2: PDF-Document (0,6 MB)
Part 3: PDF-Document (0,5 MB)
Part 4: PDF-Document (0,8 MB)
Using Solar Energy Collectively (in German)
Series of articles in the magazine SONNENENRGIE
Part 1: PDF-Document (0,6 MB)
Part 2: PDF-Document (0,6 MB)
Part 3: PDF-Document (0,7 MB)
Part 4: PDF-Document (0,6 MB)
Part 5: PDF-Document (0,9 MB)
Part 6: PDF-Document (0,8 MB)
Understanding Norms – DIN 1055 (in German)
Series of articles in the magazine SONNENENRGIE
Part 1: PDF-Document (0,6 MB)
Part 2: PDF-Document (0,7 MB)
Society Documents Thuringian Regional Association
International Society for Solar Energy German Section, Thuringian Regional Association
German: PDF-Document (0,3 MB)